Urban Outdoor Heat Exposure

The finest resolution urban outdoor heat exposure maps in major US cities

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The heat exposure is colored by mean radiant temperature. Pan and zoom to see heat maps in different cities. Search your address

Universal Thermal Climate Index

Atlanta, GA

Mean value: 34.4 °C
Std. Deviation 2.1 °C

Austin, TX

Mean value: 35.6 °C
Std. Deviation 1.9 °C

Baltimore, MD

Mean value: 31.7 °C
Std. Deviation 1.4 °C

Boston, MA

Mean value: 29.3 °C
Std. Deviation 1.9 °C

Chicago, IL

Mean value: 28.5 °C
Std. Deviation 1.6 °C

Dallas, TX

Mean value: 37.2 °C
Std. Deviation 1.8 °C

Houston, TX

Mean value: 37.3 °C
Std. Deviation 2.0 °C

Los Angeles, CA

Mean value: 32.0 °C
Std. Deviation 1.8 °C

Miami, FL

Mean value: 32.9 °C
Std. Deviation 1.5 °C

Nashville, TN

Mean value: 34.8 °C
Std. Deviation 2.4 °C

New York City, NY

Mean value: 27.3 °C
Std. Deviation 1.8 °C

Philadelphia, PA

Mean value: 29.4 °C
Std. Deviation 1.5 °C

Phoenix, AZ

Mean value: 44.1 °C
Std. Deviation 1.0 °C

Sacramento, CA

Mean value: 37.2 °C
Std. Deviation 2.0 °C

San Francisco, CA

Mean value: 25.1 °C
Std. Deviation 1.3 °C

San Diego, CA

Mean value: 30.0 °C
Std. Deviation 1.5 °C

Seattle, WA

Mean value: 29.3 °C
Std. Deviation 2.1 °C

Washington, D.C.

Mean value: 33.4 °C
Std. Deviation 1.6 °C
Understand the heat exposure


Xiaojiang Li is a tenure-track assistant professor at Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. He is also the co-founder of Biometeors, a startup that provides location-intelligent for sunlight exposure management. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Senseable City Lab. His research focuses on developing and applying geospatial analyses and data-driven approaches in the domain of urban studies. He has proposed to use Google Street View for urban environmental studies and developed the Treepedia project, which aims to map street greenery for cities around the world. He is also working on using human trace data to study human activities and investigate the connection between urban environments and human activities.

Data visualization and web developement by Xiaojiang Li.